03/17/2020 - 4:30pm
Williams Hall, Roemmele Global Commons
Dr. Victoria Herrmann (LU ‘12)
Managing Director, The Arctic Institute| National Geographic Explorer
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
4:30 p.m.
Williams Hall, Roemmele Global Commons
Lehigh University
This past year has been a difficult stretch for scientific reports and climate change news. The daunting drumbeat of recent reports can make it difficult not to feel hopeless and helpless. Victoria Herrmann (LU ‘12) will discuss how she applied her academic training to work through and beyond climate inaction with storytelling and creating the first skills-based volunteering platform for community climate adaptation. She will speak to the challenges and pathways to engage with on-the-ground capacity building and climate policy in U.S. and U.S. Territory Communities from Alaska to American Samoa. In particular, Victoria will create a space for discussion on how students considering careers related to climate change can bridge the gap between research and community action.
Environmental Studies Program
ADVANCE Center for Women STEM Faculty
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Department of International Relations
Environmental Initiative
Global Studies
Mellon Humanities Lab